Sexpo South Africa 2009

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SEXPO: The largest health, sexuality and lifestyle expo in South africa

Sexpo – South Africa’s largest health, sexuality and lifestyle expo is currently doing its rounds for 2009 and licked off this past weekend at Durban’s ICC.

I was lucky enough to crack the nod and score an invite to the event and ‘hang out’ with some half-naked celebrities. I hob-knobbed with the likes of Miss Nude Australia Arianna Starr and spoke to Miss Pole Dance UK Tracey Simmonds with my jaw on the floor. They really are amazing…

Anyway! The Durban leg of the sexpo closed its doors on Sunday, but, I’ll be bringing you some sexy videos soon once I catch my breath. Watch this space…


Sexpo South Africa 2009

PS: If you missed the sexy action at Durban this past weekend you still have the chance of hooking up with the Cape Town sexpo – taking place in May.

Sexpo videos now available!
Arianna Starr curtain acrobatics
Miss Nude Australia at Sexpo 2009
Miss Pole Dance UK – Tracey Simmonds
The World’s Greatest Amateur Strip Show

8 responses to “Sexpo South Africa 2009

  1. People taking part in this expo are definately disturbed in some way! Any developed person would know that for the human being to survive it is necessary to be in control of his sexual energy. This expo brings out the weakness in people who obviously never got control of this and act like animals, being totally out of step!

  2. Lol. “Any developed person would know that for the human being to survive it is necessary to be in control of his sexual energy.” What do you mean by “survive” Hans? Human beings would be a dying breed today if there had been some kind of control over their sexual energy.

    Acting like animals? Sure it’s not appealing to everyone but that’s why they call it a lifestyle CHOICE.

  3. Galen, You pull the noxious “lifestyle choice” bullshit out of the relativist magic hat. But, to the greeks, things like pederasty were possible “choices” that were not rejected until the entrance of healthier religion(doesn’t have to be Christianity). You deny your commenter his natural sentiments, and pretend that there isn’t a world of foolishly optimistic and selfish arguementation behind the two words “lifestyle choice”. Go watch a movie like Satyricon, and figure out how distorted sexuality becomes when no consideration is given to the natural sentiments that many religions have independently arrived at. (see The Abolition of Man)

  4. @The Cheese: I really am intrigued by the comments developing here, especially with regard to how they seem to completely veer away from the expo in discussion. I shall try refrain from doing the same and entering into a philosophical-religious debate and simply ask for clarity on Hans’ statement “…for the human being to survive it is necessary to be in control of his sexual energy” and these “natural sentiments” you speak of. Are these religion-based? For clearly not everyone shares such sentiments.

    The lifestyle choice I speak of revolves around whether or not such an expo appeals to an individual thus determining whether or not he/she would attend or participate in any way. It is always easy for outsiders who would not attend such an expo, nor wish to know more about it, to form assumptions regarding it. I can assure you that the sexpo in mention is not a gathering of atheists acting like animals, nor is it derogatory towards women in any way.

    Quite simply, the choice is purely in the mind of the individual.

  5. For the past 2 years I have being promising myself to work on Sexpo in Johannesburg and unfotunatly had to travel by September and October but good news is this year I’m around and free to be part of this amazing expo, so please if you have need any extra hands let me know.
    thanx Lucky

  6. I was the Rubberdoll at JHB Sexpo. I have travelled the world to different events, and this was an ADULT orientated extravaganza. Now the religious bigots need not attend, but always have to have their dig or opinion. Every one has one, but why does religion always have to be brought up? It seems only Christianity does this.

    I am a Christian, but see religeon is slowly shooting itself in the foot by always shoving it down our throats. My belief is of love and kindness, not always knocking others and finding fault.

    Keep your religious opinions to yourselves, and if Sexpo offends you, stay away. You know Christians also have sex – it is as natuaral as breathing and to be enjoyed, or is it only to be used for procreation.

    Try to be free-thinking and not dogmatic with your indoctrinised mind.

  7. Thanks for you comment Spirit. It’s nice to get different viewpoints on this. You were the rubber doll at sexpo?? Lol! 😀

  8. for everyone who believes that this kind of expo gives contribution for the visitors in terms of sexualhealth or any good aspect of life please ask yourself.. in what way does it help you.. do u really get something for the cash or time you spend there.. it all about fun and profit? anything we have or do should have value atleast for our selves.. this kind of expo is no more than exploitation of sex..

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